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metadata.dc.type: Artigo de Periódico
Artigo de Periódico
Título : Thermal effects on stereolithography tools during injection moulding
Otros títulos : Rapid Prototyping Journal
Autor : Ribeiro Jr, Armando Sa´
Hopkinson, Neil
Ahrens, Carlos Henrique
metadata.dc.creator: Ribeiro Jr, Armando Sa´
Hopkinson, Neil
Ahrens, Carlos Henrique
Resumen : In this work, the changes to stereolithography (SL) resin mechanical properties during the injection moulding process were evaluated. A multi-impression SL mould was built and used to inject a series of small flat mouldings. The fixed half SL tool insert included recesses to accommodate tensile test specimens. Tensile test specimens made from SL resin were positioned in these recesses and plastic parts were injected. After injecting a predetermined number of mouldings, tensile tests were performed using the tensile test specimens. The results from the tensile tests show that the thermal cycling encountered during the injection moulding process did not significantly affect the mechanical properties of the resin. Observations indicate that decrease in the temperatures encountered in the tool may lead to longer tool life.
Palabras clave : Injection instruments
Thermal diffusion
Tensile strength
URI : http://www.repositorio.ufba.br/ri/handle/ri/8346
Fecha de publicación : 2004
Aparece en las colecciones: Artigo Publicado em Periódico (PEI)

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